For your exam you only have to re-read the following:
1) "from Plymouth Plantation" by William Bradford. page 5 incuding the vocabulary on page 21 (divers, rendezvous, sundry, sentinel, succour, circulate, tender and patent), remember that you have the vocabulary along the reading.
2) "Balboa" by Sabina Murray. page 77 including the vocabulary on page 86 (prisine, supplant, protude, provision, discord, distinction, cede).
3) "Blaxicans" by Richard Rodriguez, page 87 including the vocabulary on page 95 (cull, factor, predominant, ascendancy, denote, circumvent)
Remember that the exam includes questions on the content of the text and a second part to check the understanding of the vocabulary. (per text)
please! re-read the text, we analized each of the texts in class.
Good luck¡ your teacher.
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