Hello my dear students, it's a pleasure to be here again.
Please, according to your group do the activieties requiered.
4th section I Focus on Grammar 2
To practice your ADJECTIVES knowledge, please, solve this interactive exercise in which you have to match the adjetives in one column with their opposites. Tell me how easy of difficul it was to do it!
4th section II Reading Explorer 3
Learn more about Earthquakes by reading the information given in the following link and comment in class which one you think has been the worst of all of them.
4th section III Reading Explorer 4
Check the video talking about bio-inspiration, Nature as Muse, mention at least 5 of the inventions inspired in nature mentioned in th video, you will not believe how many thinks humanity has learnt from mother nature.
You will be asked for some specific information in class.!!!! Be prepared.!!!!
6th section I. Reading Explorer 4
Check the video talking about bio-inspiration, Nature as Muse, mention at least 5 of the inventions inspired in nature mentioned in th video, you will not believe how many thinks humanity has learnt from mother nature.
You will be asked for some specific information in class.!!!! Be prepared.!!!!
6th section II. TOEFL course
To compliment the exercises solved in class. increase your knowledge on PASSIVE VOICE.
Tell me how easy or difficult was for you this exercise.!!
6th section IV. Collections 12
You will watch a video in which you will learn more about Malala, the youngest person winning the Peace Nobel Price.
Listen carefuly and find similarities with the texts we have been reading in class. Write them and give me your personal oppinion about her job in favor of women's right to study.